Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sophie's tooth #2

This is childhood. The wonder, the innocent earnestness, the growing appetite for $. Sophie asks for $2 here because she tells me she can't find her $1 from her first tooth. Days later, lo and behold, she finds that $1 and tells me promptly that she will be returning $1 from her windfall of $2. Then seconds later, she looks at me slyly and in her character singsong voice, says she sure would like to have that $1 back to add to her treasury. Classic Sophie. Brimming  over with sweet integrity and pure goodness. Mischievous to no end. Ever looking for a way to acquire more snack money.

Family meeting #2!

We made it to #2!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

And then she grew up...

Sophie's first baby tooth was lost tonight...

And her dear dear uhn-ee (my how Katherine floors me with her tender nurturing side at times like this!!) penned her tooth fairy letter:

And of course I could not disappoint my last baby...